Posts tagged with “sabbats”

☾ sabbats ☽
Spring (aka Vernal) Equinox 2023
Today, we celebrate the first day of Spring, as observed on the Vernal Equinox.
20 Mar 2023

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☾ cross-quarters ☽
Samhain 2022
It is the time of Samhain where the veil is thinnest between the worlds, we honor our ancestors and do the personal emotional work that makes us grow the most spiritually.
31 Oct 2022

☾ sabbats ☽
Autumnal Equinox
This solar event is one of only two days throughout the year where we experience equal amounts of day and night so it’s a great reminder of the need for balance in our practices and our lives.
18 Sep 2022

☾ sabbats ☽
Summer Solstice
Today the moment happens when Light Energy is at its peak for the year, but it is also the beginning of the Dark Half as well.
21 Jun 2022

☾ sabbats ☽
It is the Times of Beltane when we feel the call of the Earth to come out and dance and celebrate the return of life.
01 May 2022

☾ sabbats ☽
Vernal (aka Spring) Equinox
Today is officially the first day of Spring, aka the Vernal Equinox.
09 Jul 2021