Posts tagged with “practices”

☾ misc ☽
Growth Necessitates Integration
With growth comes change, which can be difficult to negotiate, especially when there is a surge of development. It is wise to take time to learn to manage the changes in your life. Drawing back in after growth allows you to take stock and integrate changes.
27 Feb 2023

☾ rituals ☽
Pros/Cons of Using Electronics in Ritual and Practice
Many Witches believe that any type of electronic device interferes with the energy of their sacred space. There are a number of apps with potential benefits for your practice from plant identification to divination tools to meditation aids. It is up to each individual to decide whether or not to have electronics be part of their ritual practices
20 Feb 2023

☾ practices ☽
Picking the Right Divination Tool for You
Everyone can successfully perform divination; Its all about finding the too that works best for you!
28 Jan 2023

☾ practices ☽
Mini Mindfulness Moments
Mini Mindfulness Moments can be used to remind you that magick exists and that you are a spiritual being having a human experience
14 Jan 2023

☾ practices ☽
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing can be described as the practice of writing words that originate from a place outside of conscious awareness
03 Jan 2023

☾ practices ☽
Adding Magick to Your Mundane Life
Many people don’t believe they have time to add a little magick to their mundane days
29 Dec 2022

☾ practices ☽
Using Incense to Enhance Your Practices
Using incense to activate our sense of smell is a powerful way to connect with memory.
23 Dec 2022

☾ spellwork ☽
Picking the Right Type of Spell
Picking the Right Type of Spell is often simply a matter of intention, available items, and a connection to the Divine spark
04 Dec 2022

☾ practices ☽
Small Daily Practices
Adding simple daily practices and using small bits of magick makes managing mundane life easier and helps remind us of the need for balance between the worlds
07 Jun 2022

☾ practices ☽
Urban Witchcraft
Although the stereotypical image of a Witch is someone who lives in a country-style cottage surrounded by plants, the reality is many of us live and work in much more urban environments and it’s time to work with what we have.
22 Apr 2022

☾ practices ☽
Keeping Track of It All
Most Witches find it helps if we keep track of all the cool stuff we get up to as part of our practices. After all, there is nothing worse than creating an amazing incense blend you can’t duplicate because you can’t find where you wrote down the ingredients.
22 Feb 2022

☾ practices ☽
Why do we call what we do Witchcraft or “The Craft” to describe it? Maybe because we define it as the art of learning to transform something into something else.
29 Jan 2022