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Yule 2022 Blessings from 2YC

D Blythe

From Elizabeth :
While many people call the Winter Solstice Yule, it is a celebration of Joy in the season more than anything else I believe. Having children and grandchildren, this time of year is full of anticipation and the giving of gifts and the sharing of family, either by birth or choice.

From Dave :
While there are many of us who miss some or all of our genetic and/or biological family at this time of year, I’m reminded that those humans to my left and my right, those among whom I live and breathe each day, are my family, my neighbors, my tribe.
These are the people I will break bread with, bowing my head in gratitude, and know that I am loved

Our Blessing :
May you find the joy of the season without and within
Sharing our commonalities with others regardless of the path they walk
And relish the connections we find with others and the world around us.

Blessings to All and a Merry Yule 2022, from all of us at