☾ concepts ☽
To Keep Silent
To Keep Silent is the fourth cornerstone of the Power of the Magus phrase. It is often linked with the Element of Earth which makes sense because Earth is associated with silence and those hidden depths not recognized without stillness as well as grounding and centering.
Waiting for change to manifest without constantly focusing on the results and working to stay in the process of change itself is something that requires a stable foundation which is very Earth centered. Having connected what you know with your ability to try new rituals or spellwork and adding in the power of your emotions allow you to move forward to keeping silent about your personal practices or share with only a few that you pick and choose carefully. There are many who feel that if you talk about a spell, you lessen its effectiveness or change something somehow so that it won’t manifest in your life.
How and what you share is a matter of personal choice just as is what and how you choose to do magick. Also, learning to sit with that stillness allows you to connect more easily with your Internal Spark of the Divine, which is the source of your knowledge, your ability to dare to try different things, and is the wellspring from which your emotions arise.
Stillness allow you to better discern what changes have happened and where you want to your practice to go next in terms of growth and development. By combining these four cornerstones if you choose to do so, you develop a solid foundation on which to build and enhance your personal spirituality and the practices you enjoy