
☾ spellwork ☽

Picking the Right Type of Spell

E Chapman

The purpose of a spell is to draw things to you or get rid of things that no longer serve you in some way. The first thing you need to consider is a very specific intent. This will allow you to decide what type of spell you want to craft and what type of magick you will eventually choose to use. You can always create your own type of spell if you choose, but some of the more common types include spells for abundance, balance, confidence, employment, health, and motivation. Abundance is most commonly associated with wealth in our society, but it is really about having more than enough of anything to meet a need. Balance is about being able to maintain a comfortable middle path in any area of your life where you need it. Confidence is having the ability to successfully manage situations such as making a speech. Employment is about getting and keeping a job. Health is about improving one’s condition to a better state rather than recovering from “dis-ease”. Motivation is about increasing your desire to get tasks done, often those we have very little desire to do such as housecleaning. While spells can be cast to cover any situation, choosing to depend on the magick of spells as your first solution is often not the best way to go; there are often mundane solutions to cover the issue if you take the time to think of them. Magick is special and shouldn’t be wasted on simple everyday issues but used when the need is great and there is no other practical solution