☾ rituals ☽
Evaluating a Ritual
Ritual was a couple of days ago so you have a chance to gain some perspective about what you experienced. Now is the time to take a realistic (okay maybe not the best word if magick is involved but it’s all I got) at what you did; whether or not it worked, whether or not the mechanics were easy to manage; did you enjoy what you tried to accomplish?
In its own way, every ritual is beneficial for you whether it works out the way you anticipated or not. Witchcraft is an experiential practice and the best way to learn is by doing; however, doing something just because you think you should doesn’t fit here either. What needs to be done is to take a long hard look at every ritual you perform afterwards and see it for what it was. Was it an experience that fostered your personal spiritual growth? Was it something that you thought was going to be amazing and didn’t live up to your expectations? Were your expectations realistic or are you caught in the idea that everything you do has to be perfect or it is meaningless?
Look at the what you did; did the different actions you took benefit the experience or did they not work out as you planned? For example, if you were outdoors and the candles wouldn’t stay lit, did you plan to place them in spots where they might be sheltered from wind or were they out in the middle of the area exposed to whatever weather was going on. Were the words the best ones you could have chosen to enhance your purpose? You don’t have to make it fancy or use old-fashioned language if that isn’t how you speak or think; it won’t match up with what your brain needs to hear that way.
If you practiced with others, make sure to get their opinions on their experiences as well; what they think can give you a different way of seeing what happened. So after considering all this, did the ritual work as a whole and would you use it again? Or are there specific parts you want to be able to transfer to another ritual or things if you rewrote them might work later?
Performing and evaluating your rituals should be a regular part of what you do so that you can continue to grow and develop