☾ moons ☽
Dark Moon Energies
Tonight is the start of the Dark Moon; for the next three days, it won’t be visible to us in the sky because its orbit has moved too close to the Sun for us to see it, but it will return with a New Moon crescent shortly. Many Witches don’t choose to even acknowledge the Dark Moon as a time for ritual or magick; there are some negative associations with the dark remaining from the past which are untrue but the uncomfortability remains.
For our practice, however, this is considered one of the best times to contemplate your current spiritual path, generate new ideas to bring to fruition by the Full Moon, seek guidance, or learn to sit quietly with self and start to connect with your Shadow side.
Because of the available energy, the Dark Moon has an affinity with Divination because the darkness and stillness can increase your concentration. It also seems to encourage listening to your intuition and developing patience because time seems to stretch more in the darkness. There is a feeling of anticipation in the dark because you cannot yet see a path, but you know it is there.