☾ moons ☽
August-The Bread / Grains Moon
There are actually 13 moon cycles in a solar year because of the differences in revolutions and rotations. However, each of the moons is associated with different qualities based on agricultural practices, weather, or cultural reasons. It is easy to Goggle and find many different names for the moons of a year. We have worked to figure out what association each moon has for us over the years and have come up with calling this month’s moon the Bread or Grains Moon. For us, this Moon has a cultural association; we grew up in the era where baking bread or other similar items and sharing them with friends and neighbors was still common, and we usually have some type of freshly baked item whenever we get together for ritual as part of Housel (aka Cakes and Ale). We also try to match whatever we are serving somehow with the season involved.
Also, this is the season of Loafmas or when the harvesting of grains begins if you are into agriculture. Because this moon is associated with harvesting, this might be a good time to perform some magick or divination to determine what projects to continue to invest time and energy into to making sure they are done before the true Dark Time of the year takes hold and your physical energy for doing is replaced by more introspective energy.
If you are someone who celebrates the moons, you might want to consider working to discover what associations each moon has for you and finding a name that matches what you figure out. Also, don’t forget that sometime during the year there will be an extra moon for you to name.