☾ concepts ☽
A Definition of Magick
On The Path, we have come to define the practice of magick at its most basic to be the manipulation of energy for spellwork. We use magick to effect positive change or to get rid of things that no longer serve our own lives and personal spirituality.
Magickal energy is neither positive nor negative but neutral. It is the practitioner’s intent that creates the effects that occur, so we do not classify what we practice as white/positive or black/negative but just magick. We are not Wiccan so we do not work with the concept of what you send out comes back threefold. We do believe that any magick we perform will have an effect on what we term our Sacred Three of body, mind, and spirit so we must be prepared for the response of the Universe when involved with spellwork.
Ordinary magic with a c is stage magick with someone performing a trick of some kind using props or misdirection to fool the eye and having something “magical” supposedly happen. We spell magick with a “k” to distinguish it from stage magic when we speak or write about it because we believe that magickal thinking (and doing) with a k is actually about changing our personal reality while magickal thinking with a c is actually about not dealing with reality. It is simply a way to tell the two apart. Some feel this is just an affectation while others feel it is very important. We do it more as convenience and a way to tell the two types apart.